Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What Is Cat Eye Makeup?

For those of you who may have heard the term "Cat Eye Makeup" over and over again but do not know exactly what it is, here is a brief explanation for you. When a lot of people hear "Cat Eye" they automatically assume that this eye makeup style automatically has to do with skinny pupils and bright green eyes; this is not the case. The cat eye makeup style has actually been around for a long time and has always been a popular choice by many makeup-wearing women. Some people may have even been using the cat eye makeup technique for years without even knowing what it was called!

Cat Eye Makeup is simply using eyeliner or eyeshadow to create "wings" that extend from the outer corners of your eyes. These wings create the illusion of a wider, more narrow eye, similar to a cat's eye, hence the name of this makeup style. Many celebrities wear this style of makeup a lot, which makes it one of the more trendy styles for your eyes. Hopefully this has cleared up what exactly cat eye makeup is for those of you who did not know, read my other posts to find out a few tips on how to achieve the best looking cat eye makeup for your eyes!

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